Positive behaviour support

An introduction to behaviours of concern (A106BOC)

Ideal for anyone supporting or interacting with people that use behaviours of concerns. What are behaviours of concern and why do they occur? What helps?

Approximate time to complete module: 45 minutes (not including time spent looking at additional resources)

On completion of this module, you will be able to
• Define a behaviour of concern
• Explain why people engage in behaviours of concern
• Articulate additional factors that can contribute towards people with a range of disabilities using behaviours of concern
• Discuss key dilemmas and challenges for people who demonstrate behaviours of concern and their supporters
• Explain positive behaviour support and why it is viewed as the best way to support people using behaviours of concern and their supporters
• Define trauma and recognise the impact trauma can have on the behaviour of people
• Describe the principles of a trauma informed approach.

This module is for: Families and carers | Support workers and direct care workers | Positive behaviour support practitioners | Support co-ordinators, case managers and planners | Frontline and customer service staff | Allied health professionals | Others interacting with and supporting people that use behaviours of concern.

Sectors: Disability | Mental health | Health and Community Services | Forensic | Justice | Clinical Health

Level: Foundational

Emphasis is on knowledge, values and attitudes.
  • An introduction to behaviours of concern
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever